Modified garage door rail

The modified garage door rail. You can see the cabinet shoehorned into place.



The garage, often relegated to a space for vehicles and storage, has untapped potential for creative transformations. In a quest for additional storage, I had to design cabinets where the garage door rail ended. Usually they’re cut too long because they come in standard sizes. This optimized space but also provided a unique and efficient solution to the storage needs.

The client was worried about damaging the brand new cherry wood garage door that was newly installed. I drilled a new hole and moved the brackets to the other side of the top mounting bracket. This allowed the rail to remain in the sam position but the bracket moved an inch over that gave me the required space to shoe horn my cabinet in. Texting pictures back and forth is a difficult way to explain modifications to non technical people. I got it done and it looks super clean.

Look at the modification again!

It looks like a tidy installation to me.


Reviving a Hillside Garage for a Luxury Ride


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